Every year, one or other city of Andhra Pradesh get hit by heavy rain and storm. The local rivers, canals, and storm drains cannot handle the heavy water flow, it results in the flash flood in rural as well as in urban cities. It has become a threat to the homes and businesses in these communities. Coastal regions and areas around the local canals and rivers are especially at risk for property damage due to such flash flooding and soil erosion. Hurricanes and tropical storms are also knocking every year and flood hundreds of homes. If your home or business is also under such threat then our experts have a permanent solution. Elevating your structure above the documented flood plain will help protect your house, shop from big storms or such flash floods.

Cities like Vishakhapatnam, Anandpuram and districts like Nellore and Chittoor have witnessed natural disasters and people have lost their valuables. Many were forced to relocate. In all this, a simple solution can eliminate the probability of loss of valuables and can feel you safe. House lifting and House shifting services can change the way of living.